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10 Common Reasons Furnaces Break Down

A furnace as a machine and a part of an HVAC system can break down at any point. Contact a professional heating repair in El Centro, CA, to stay comfortable in the winter season.

Top 10 Reasons For Furnace Breakdown

The Thermostat Malfunctioned

The thermostat is equipment responsible for keeping a warm atmosphere in your house. If the thermostat fails to provide such service, it is time to call for heating repair in El Centro, CA.

Ignition Failure

The ignition is necessary for a furnace to start. If you do not see the pilot light in the burner, you have an issue with your heating system.

Fuse Box Failure

Many times, the fuse box is the culprit here. Ensure that the fuses are not blown due to a sudden electric surge.

Dirty Filters

Dirty filters are a common reason for furnace failure. You must call for furnace repair in El Centro, CA, to address this problem as soon as possible.

Clogged Air Ducts

Air ducts become clogged with dirt due to constant work. If you ignore such a condition, you may have to face a bigger problem soon.

Water Drainage Issue

If you use a high-efficiency heating system, you will see lots of water draining during the cold season. Mold or sedimentation problems can prevent the furnace from working properly.

Jammed Blower Motor

The blower motor is responsible for circulating the heat the furnace generates. If this motor stops working, you will not get the heat in your room.

Air Leak

The ducts can develop leaks or damage over time, and the heat can escape through these holes.

The Unit is Old Enough

When the furnace is old enough, you will frequently get many breakdowns.

Non-Maintenance of the Furnace

If you forget to maintain your furnace on time, we can assure you that you will continue to pay for frequent heating repairs.

To avoid this hire a reliable furnace service in El Centro, CA for maintenance. Arctic Air Conditioning is a reputable and trusted company, providing quality service. Contact us today to know more.

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