Tips To Fix A Furnace That Won’t Stay Lit

Tips To Fix A Furnace That Won’t Stay Lit

A malfunction in the burner or related systems in your furnace can turn into a frustrating issue. For example, gas furnaces that work through pilot light would not stay lit if the ignition fails. Other possible defects could push you into the plunge of a cold night if it has to be deactivated for safety reasons. 

Any competent furnace service in El Centro, CAcan diagnose the issue for you, but experienced professionals can assure you 100 percent relief. However, before calling for a professional, we know you might want to attempt fixtures yourself. Therefore we have listed some expert verified techniques that could solve a furnace that won’t stay Lit. 

Turn off the valve

The valve essentially supplies gas to your pilot light; if that is set to OFF due to some fault, it will automatically disrupt the vital flow of gas. If the furnace doesn’t stay lit even with the valve ON, look for suitable furnace services to scrutinize the system for the unknown fault.

Keep it spotlessly clean

An untidy pilot orifice or pilot tube would not create an intense enough flame due to blockage or clogging. Easily clean your heating system in El Centro, CA, with sandpaper or a stiff wire brush to clean out any dirt or dust without damaging any parts. 

Replace the parts

With irrevocable defects, entire furnace replacement becomes unavoidable but before burning a hole through your pocket, inspect the inner components. Trying to replace or rearrange the pilot tube, orifice, and thermocouple in reverse order can troubleshoot the issues before you might be pushed to replace the entire system. 

Clean the thermocouple

Examine your thermocouple’s cleanliness as malfunctions or performance failures can happen due to oxidation or mineral buildup, and use emery cloth or steel wool to sanitize. A dirty or damaged thermocouple will inaccurately sense if your pilot light is off or on and disrupt the gas supply. 

Relight the pilot light

According to the manufacturer, pick up your user manual to understand the correct way to relight the pilot light. Before calling the best furnace service in El Centro, CArelit the standing pilot light by finding the valve and waiting for a few minutes after turning it off. Then attempt to relight the pilot light through a source flame and turn the valve back on once the flame is burning.

Consider up-gradation

Above all, heating systems that function with a standing pilot light can be inconvenient compared to the latest models. Intermittent ignition devices have improved efficiency and provide better protection against carbon monoxide with a longer life expectancy. 

Troubleshooting ideas alone might not be able to treat any deep-rooted or underlying fault, which calls for a professional inspection. 

The skillfully trained technicians of Arctic Air Conditioning can answer your emergency calls and provide you with accommodative financial plans and promotions for diligent prevention. In addition, our team is equipped to handle your appliances with expert analysis and professional care from air conditioning to refrigeration. 

Contact us at (760) 352-8855, or drop in a mail at to book an appointment today!